
Demi Masa!
Sesungguhnya manusia itu dalam kerugian. Kecuali orang-orang yang beriman dan beramal soleh, dan mereka pula berpesan-pesan dengan kebenaran serta berpesan-pesan dengan sabar.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Cerita lama jangan di lupakan..

Ini kisah altantuya...cerita lama..


Malaysia Today

Datuk K.S. Nallakaruppan and Dato’ Muhammad Shafee Abdullah were behind the conspiracy to frame Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim on sodomy charges back in 1998. This was confirmed by Nalla’s driver, Thagarajoo a/l Thangavelu, in a Statutory Declaration signed on 21 August 2008.

This latest revelation puts to rest, once and for all, the speculation as to the real dalang behind the 1998 conspiracy. It appears like these same players are also involved in the latest sodomy allegation, dubbed as ‘Sodomy 2’, as revealed by Malaysia Today in an earlier report.

Rajoo also confirmed that Shafee coached him on what to say and that his coached ‘statement’ was tape-recorded. Rajoo was also summoned to Bukit Aman by the current IGP, Tan Sri Musa Hassan, who was then in charge of the case, and subsequently was brought to meet Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad so that he can repeat what he had been instructed to tell the Prime Minister.

The text and scanned versions of the Statutory Declaration can be read below. In the meantime, let us ‘flashback’ to what happened during Anwar’s trial in 1998-1999.

Azizan Abu Bakar’s cross-examination by Christopher Fernando on 7 December 1998

Q: Did you tell the police that you were sodomised in 1994?

A: No.

Q: Who fabricated that evidence?

A: I don’t know.

Q: Did you tell the police you were sodomised in 1992?

A: No.

Q: Who told the police you were sodomised in 1992?

A: I don’t know.

Q: Who fabricated this evidence?

A: I don’t know.

Q: The date 1992 is false?

A: Yes.

Q: I put it to you that the charge had to be amended to 1993 because the building was not even ready for occupation?

A: I don’t know.

Q: Were you told to change the date to 1993?

A: Yes.

Q: Did you agree to this proposition?

A: Yes.

Q: Who asked you to change the date to 1993?

A: SAC Musa bin Hassan.

Q: I put it to you: it was because DSAI did not do anything to you. That is why you kept visiting him between 1992-1997. Otherwise you would have kept far away from him.

A: Yes, it’s true.

The interpreter repeated the question.

Again his answer was, “Yes, it’s true but I don’t understand the words ‘did not do anything’.”

The court then interrupted, “Perhaps you had better be more specific”.

Christopher Fernando: I will.

Q: I put it to you that DSAI DID NOT sodomise you. That is why you kept visiting him and his family between 1992-1997.

A: I agree that he did not sodomise me. That is why I continued to visit him between 1992-1997.


I, THAGARAJOO A/L THANGAVELU (NRIC No. 590821-10-6033) a Malaysian citizen of legal age and residing at No. 20, Jalan BK 4/1F, Bandar Kinrara, 47100 Puchong, Selangor Darul Ehsan do solemnly and sincerely affirm and say as follows:-

(1) I am a Driver by profession.

(2) Sometime in 1995, I commenced employment with one Datuk K.S. Nallakaruppan (“Datuk Nalla”) as his driver. During the course of my employment with him, over a period of about five (5) years, I became privy to many events and incidents involving Datuk Nalla, primarily that involving his friendship with Datuk Seri Anwar Bin Ibrahim (“DSAI”). They were close personal friends.

(3) During my initial years of employment with Datuk Nalla, I frequented a house in Jalan Tunku, Bukit Tunku, Kuala Lumpur, which was tenanted by Datuk Nalla. The owner of the said house was Dato’ Muhammad Shafee Abdullah (“Dato’ Shafee”). Datuk Nalla kept the said house as a guesthouse for his friends to use. This house was tenanted for about 1½ years. Later, Datuk Nalla tenanted a condominium at Tivoli Villa.

(4) Sometime in 1998, I was called by Dato’ Shafee to his office. It was a one-to-one meeting which lasted about an hour. Dato’ Shafee asked me to relate the happenings at the said tenanted house. I did so, as I was instructed by my boss, Datuk Nalla, to cooperate in every manner possible. My conversation with Dato’ Shafee was tape-recorded. During the course of the meeting, Dato’ Shafee stopped the tape-recording on four (4) to five (5) occasions. With the tape-recorder switched off, I would be told to say things to implicate DSAI in sex scandals with various women. Upon resumption of the recording, I narrated to Dato’ Shafee as instructed.

(5) On 21st August, 1998 (I remember the date vividly as it was my birthday) I was called to Bukit Aman by Tan Sri Musa Hassan (now the IGP) and thereafter two (2) police officers brought me to meet Tun (then Dato’ Seri) Dr. Mahathir Mohamed, the then Prime Minister of Malaysia. The meeting lasted about one (1) hour. I was asked to relate to Dr Mahathir of what I knew of DSAI’s movements and doings. I did so as I was assured I would be protected and financially rewarded. On no occasion did I say anything about DSAI’s private meetings with any male acquaintance as there were none.

(6) I make this Statutory Declaration as there now appears to be a sinister attempt by some parties to conspire against DSAI on similar allegations as in 1998 which I strongly and firmly believe are not true at all.

And I make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing the same to be true and by virtue of the provisions of the Statutory Declaration Act, 1960

by the abovenamed THAGARAJOO A/L )
THANGAVELU at Kuala Lumpur in the )
State of Wilayah Persekutuan )
This 21st day of August 2008 )

Before me,

Rajoo's SD

Rajoo's SD


Saya, Thagarajah a/l Thangavelu (K/P: 590821-10-6033), seorang warganegara Malaysia yang dewasa dan menetap di No.20, Jalan BK 4/1F, Bandar Kinrara, 47100 Puchong, Selangor Darul Ehsan dengan ini menyatakan dengan benar perkara-perkara berikut:-

1.Saya bekerja sebagai pemandu.

2. Sekitar tahun 1995, saya memulakan kerja dengan Datuk K.S Nallakaruppan (“Datuk Nalla”) sebagai pemandu merangkap pengawal peribadi. Saya bekerja dengan beliau selama 5 tahun. Kemudian saya menyertai Datuk Kenneth Eswaran. Datuk Kenneth Eswaran menetap di Johor dan saya menjadi pemandu untuk ibunya yang tinggal di Petaling Jaya. Kemudian saya bekerja sebagai pemandu untuk Datuk kenneth Eswaran.

3. .Datuk Kenneth Eswaran adalah kawan rapat Datuk Seri Najib bin Tun Razak, Timbalan Perdana Menteri Malaysia pada masa ini.

4. Datuk Kenneth Eswaran amat rapat dengan seorang bomoh Hindu, yang saya kenali sebagai Mr. Ji. Mr. Ji ialah seorang warganegara India, yang tinggal diKerala, India dan sering datang keMalaysia diatas undangan Datuk Kenneth Eswaran.

5. Melalui Datuk Kenneth Eswaran, Mr. Ji telah diperkenalkan kepada Datuk Seri Najib dan isterinya, Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor. Saya telah beberapa kali membawa Mr. Ji kerumah Datuk Seri Najib. Datuk Kenneth Eswaran mengiringi Mr. Ji. Mr. Ji selalunya membawa bersama beberapa peralatan sembahyang mengikut ugama Hindu untuk melakukan upacara dirumah Datuk Seri Najib. Upacara ini dilakukan setiap bulan semasa ‘Ammavasi’, yang mana merupakan masa dimana bulan tidak kelihatan. Upacara ini merupakan upacara Hindu dimana melibatkan jampi mentera menggunakan peralatan sembahyang menurut ugama Hindu seperti kunyit, vibuthi, kum kum, limau, kapor barus, susu lembu yang diletakkan diatas daun pisang. Api sembahyang akan dinyalakan didalam rumah dan kedua-dua Datuk Seri Najib dan Datin Seri Rosmah akan duduk ditengah-tengah dan Mr Ji menjalankan upacara pemujaan. Kedua-dua Datuk Seri Najib dan Datin Seri Rosmah kemudiannya dimandikan dengan susu. Selepas upacara pemujaan, sebahagian daripada bahan-bahan pemujaan dibawa keluar rumah dan ditanam untuk menghindarkan mereka dari kerja-kerja kejahatan.

6. Seperti yang saya katakan, semua bahan-bahan pemujaan ini dibawa oleh Mr. Ji, dibantu oleh saya kerumah Datuk Seri Najib, baik diJalan Duta atau pun dikediaman rasmi di Putrajaya. Saya juga pernah membawa susu lembu dan bahan-bahan pemujaan lain didalam kawasan kediaman Datuk Seri Najib. Saya hadir disetiap upacara bilamana Mr. Ji melakukan pemujaan. Semua ini berterusan sehinggalah saya berhenti kerja denga Datuk Kenneth Eswaran.

7. Saya percaya bahawa upacara pemujaan ini masih berterusan.

8. Semasa pilihanraya kecil Ijok yang lalu, saya membawa Mr. Ji kepekarangan tempat mengundi diIjok dimana Mr. Ji meletakkan bahan-bahan pemujaan ini untuk memastikan kemenangan calon MIC, K. Parthiban.

9. Saya percaya perbuatan yang sama akan dilakukan untuk meletakkan bahan-bahan pemujaan adat Hindu ini dan tangkal didalam ataupun pekarangan tempat mengundi diPermatang Pauh.

10. Saya juga mempunyai maklumat bahawa doktor yang menyediakan laporan perubatan untuk Razak Baginda, tertuduh didalam perbicaraan Altantuya, wanita Mongolia, yang sedang berlangsung, adalah palsu kerana Datuk Kenneth Eswaran telah mengarahkan doktor untuk memalsukannya. Arahan tersebut dibuat semasa saya sedang memandu untuk Datuk Kenneth Eswaran.

11. Dalam beberapa peristiwa, Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor meminta Datuk Kenneth Eswaran, meminta pertolongan Mr. Ji untuk menjauhkan mereka dari perkara-perkara jahat. Didalam satu ketika, Datin Seri Rosmah memanggil Datuk Kenneth Eswaran, menyatakan kebimbangannya kerana Datuk Seri Abdullah Badawi akan mengahwini Datin Seri Jeanne Abdullah. Datuk Kenneth Eswaran berjanji kepada Datin Seri Rosmah bahawa dia akan meminta Mr. Ji untuk melakukan pemujaan untuk menghalang perkahwinan tersebut.

12. Saya membuat Akuan Bersumpah ini kerana terdapat beberapa perkembangan melibatkan Datuk Nalla, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, Datuk Seri Najib, Datin Seri Rosmah dan Datuk Kenneth Eswaran yang saya kenali semasa saya bekerja sebagai pemandu. Peristiwa yang melibatkan kehilangan Penyiasat Bebas, P. Balasubramaniam merisaukan saya

Dan saya membuat pengakuan ini dengan penuh kebenaran seperti yang termaktub didalam peruntukan Akta Akuan Bersumpah, 1960.

(Terjemahan ini dibuat secara bebas oleh Mat Saman Kati berdasarkan artikel Raja Petra, Najib: Muslim By Birth, Hindu By Practice. Sekiranya terdapat keraguan, sila rujuk kepada artikel asal)

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